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NY E-Filing …. New York State Court E- Filing

The New York State Courts Electronic Filing System (“NYSCEF”) is a means of filing and serving legal documents electronically with various courts, including the Surrogate’s Court, Supreme Court and the Court of Claims. The system is accessible through a website located at this address:

Legislation was enacted in 2011 allowing electronic filing of litigation through the NY State Courts Electronic filing system (NYSCEF). In 2012 pursuant to an administrative order, Electronic filing, E-filing is mandatory in all commercial contract and tort actions, without regard to the amount in controversy , that are commenced in NY County Supreme Courts. ( a breakdown of Mandatory NY E-Filing is listed below)

New, New York State E-filed case can be commenced electronically by an attorney, paralegal or agent authorized by the attorney to e-file on his behalf.

The NY E-File system provides immediate e-mail notice of all filings, including filing of all orders, judgments, and decisions, which will be available on-line. Fees can be paid on-line with a credit or bank card bearing a MasterCard or Visa logo.

Questions regarding this system can be answered on line, on the State of New York e-file website listed above or you can call us at Action Subpoena, Inc. to answer your questions or do your e-filing.

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